FAYE FORMISANO They dream in my bones about Biography Faye Formisano was born in 1984 and graduated from the École Duperré (textile design) and the Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains. Artist and director, her work, at the crossroads of drawing, textiles and cinema, explores the frontier of identities through fantastic figures. Inspired by […]
vera molnar DÜRER, PAIR-IMPAIR about Biography After studying at the School of Fine Arts in Budapest and discovering cubism, Vera Molnár went to Rome in 1947 to continue her research on geometric painting, but she soon joined Paris. Impressed by the work of Le Corbusier and Fernand Léger, she aspired to a more radical style. […]
Santiago TORRES
santiago torres Trame en temps réel a55 – NFT s6 about Biography Santiago Torres, born in Paris 1986, of Colombian and Venezuelan family, lives and works in Paris. Multidisciplinary artist-programmer. His research is based on an in-depth analysis of programming and interaction since 2007, influenced by video games and the quantum universe and his personal […]
Camille REIDT
camille reidt Essentia about Biography Born in 1990 and originally from Toulouse, Camille lives and works in Limoges.After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts and living in the United States, she chose to join the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art in Limoges where she studied design and ceramics and graduated in 2018.She then joined the […]
Chiara PASSA
chiara passa Null Void 0 about Biography Her artistic research, part of the revival concerning the immersivity in art that began around the mid-nineties’, analyses differences in virtual spaces through a variety of techniques, technologies, and devices, using virtual reality and augmented reality technologies as artistic media to explore architecture as a lively interface.She use […]
paula nishijima RIXC Art Science about Biography Paula Nishijima is a visual artist whose research-based practice unfolds with a transdisciplinary approach, weaving connections among scientific disciplines, decolonial theories and nonhuman cosmologies. She is interested in the collective and self-organised behaviour of decentralized living and artificial systems, and how it inspires more collaborative, sustainable and ethical […]
Daphné Le sergent
daphné le sergent Geopolitics of oblivion about Biography Born in South Korea, Daphne Nan Le Sergent lives and works in Paris. She is an HDR lecturer in the Department of Photography at Paris 8 University “Today, we can see the continual expansion of what is the most recent medium, the digital medium.Never before have a […]
juan le parc Fragile about Biography Juan Le Parc devotes his work to 3D digital sculpture, virtual reality and machinima. Between art and science, he questions the status of the living, the modification of the concept of beauty, the politics of sex.Born in 1960 in Paris, Juan Le Parc has been working for several years […]
lyes hammadouche Dharma about Biography Lyes Hammadouche, is a French artist and researcher born in Algeria in 1987, operates in Paris and Toulouse. He served as a professor for five years at the CAFA in Beijing, China. His work probes the intricate issue of consciousness.During his doctoral studies, which he completed in 2019, he specialized […]
Charlotte POUYAUD
charlotte pouyaud Partners in crime about Biography Born in Massy in 1995, lives and works between Paris and Bordeaux. Graduated in philosophy, Charlotte Pouyaud makes fiction films and docu-fictions freely mixing registers and cinematographic genres. Her films have as their starting point the documentary material of various facts, whose philosophical stakes she seeks to reveal, […]
wu ziyang Future_forecast about Biography Ziyang Wu is an artist based in New York and Hangzhou, currently teaching at the School of Intermedia Art at the China Academy of Art, Visiting professor of Expanded Media Department at Alfred University, and is a former member of NEW INC at the New Museum. With an MFA from […]